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The Road So Far..... 

Life for me started off in the middle of nothing Kansas, just outside the town of Lawrence. I was the youngest of two children and the only daughter born to David and Rose Nolan. My brother, Jake, is three years older than I am. Life was good when we were little kids and as close to normal as we could ever know. Dad worked hard. He was an electrician and a plumber. He also took on work as a mechanic. Mom was a stay at home mom, but we tended to spend a lot of time with various relatives or neighbors.


When I started school, mom decided that I was old enough to start learning more. She started teaching me how to handle small weapons, such as knives and she started teaching me how to defend myself. I was spending time with my mom and I was learning things that other kids didn't know. I thought it was great and I didn't mind keeping the secret one bit. One day, Dad found out about it an flipped. He and mom had a huge fight that seemed to go on for hours. When the yelling stopped, life as Jake and I knew it, was over. The happy home I knew and loved, crumbled to the ground and we were thrust into the middle of a divorce and custody battle that was over very quickly.



As a little girl I didn't understand, but the truth of the matter was that mom gave up custody of us. She let dad have whatever he wanted in the divorce and agreed to his terms without any argument. See, my family is filled with heroes. Not the kind that you see in cartoons and on the big screen, but everyday heroes that put their lives on the line to save people that can't save themselves from the unknown. The supernatural beings that often haunt us in our nightmares. Unfortunately, those beings aren't what imaginations dream up and Hunters are around to bring reigns of terror brought on by these things to an end at any cost. My family, on mom's side anyway, has been doing this for generations. The problem is, that Hunters tend to stay as far off of the radar as possible. The methods and means to track some of these creatures and then dispose of them aren't always legal. There are lots more people in the world that wouldn't understand as opposed to those that would, including members of law enforcement. She couldn't take that risk. She had to make a choice. With dad threatening to reveal her and the whole family, well, the implications and the exposure of the Hunters would be horrible and deadly. Giving us up was probably the hardest decision that she ever had to make.


Dad finished raising us in Northern California. Life began all over again. He figured that distance from everything we knew and everything that we may one day become would be our only savior. He changed though. By the time I was ten, the father I once knew to be very loving and compassionate had become cold and withdrawn from Jake, and me. It's very easy to say that we hated what had happened, but there was no going back. Mom was not completely cut out of our lives, but I can count on the number of times I saw her in the following years on both of my hands. I was expected to take dance lessons, join the Girl Scouts, play the piano or flute. I refused. For Jake it was baseball and other sports. Dad wanted to teach him mechanics and stuff like that but the man was horrible to deal with. As we got older, both of us started to rebel. Too much of our mother in us, he'd say. Jake moved out as soon as he turned 18. He joined the army and he was gone from my life. There were a few letters and some phone calls but he didn't come home. The next year, mom died while out on a hunt. I was sixteen and even more determined to try and follow in her footsteps. My father was more determined not to allow that. Before, most of his wrath was taken out on my brother but after Jake left home and with me at my most rebellious, the fights between he and I started. I started going to a gym on a daily basis. Started Kick boxing and studying about weapons. I researched supernatural beings. At seventeen, I graduated High School.


There was a downward spiral after that. I was in with an interesting crowd. Partying constantly. Drinking as much alcohol as I could get my hands on. My relationship with my father wasn't good. It took about a year for me to bottom out then make the slow climb back to my feet. I hit the kickboxing even harder than before. Started taking shooting lessons. I got a job in a crappy little restaurant as a waitress and hostess. The cook there taught me a few things too. Dad agreed to pay for college so I took classes. I moved into my own small studio apartment and things were looking up for the first time in a long time. I entered a kick boxing tournament and even got a couple televised matches.


Dad had a massive heart attack at the end of 2011. I was Twenty years old, just a few months shy of turning 21. Life went down hill again. We fought constantly but I had no idea how to deal with his death. He was dating someone at the time, and her name was on the house so she stayed there. I wasn't going back. My boss at the restaurant turned into a dirt bag who liked to harass staff members. I quit before things got overly bad. I quit school too and then my car died. I had to get out of there. California no longer had anything for me. It was time to get away and make a new life somewhere else


.It took some time but one phone call changed my life all over again. I got a hold of my cousins. The sons of my mom's sister. They'd found this new place where a hunter doesn't have to live in complete secrecy and they're almost accepted as just a normal part of society. That's because the supernatural population is so very vast. Anyway, Simon sent Derrick to get me. Soon after that Derrick gave me a job at his bar, The Grumpy Gator Bar and Grill. He's got two partners in the place and now, I'm part owner too. I've made some friends, put down some new roots. Jake caught up to me again. We fight like crazy but it's good to have my brother back.


Dad was also a player apparently. He fathered other kids while he was with mom. I learned that I really didn't know the man at all. So now I'm twenty two. I'm a complete mess in some areas, which is a story for some other time, but I've got a job, friends, family that I can stand. Food, clothes, a roof over my head, a truck and money in my pocket. Mom once told me that I'm special and that I was meant to join the family business. Hunting things and helping people. And, I mean to do just that. A lot of things have happened on the road so far and many are soon to come.



Edge:  Mercy

Creed: Innocent

I                                                                                                                           Innocent


Other Creeds react to the supernatural with some sort of confrontation, violent, verbal, or intellectual. Innocents meet the otherworldly with curiosity and at least some degree of optimism. Unlike Redeemers, the Creed closest to them in outlook, they don't see "monsters" as unfortunates that need healing, but rather enigmas that need dialogue and understanding. The understandings they eventually develop differ wildly; some condone the killing of dangerous or manipulative monsters, others condemn all forms of killing, and may go so far as to actively undermine the efforts of other Hunters. Whatever their conclusions, Innocents are united by at least a spark of faith in the goodness, or potential goodness, of both monsters and mankind.


Many Innocent Edges, such as Hide, Fool's Luck, and Confront, help them observe and relate to supernaturals safely. They also possess an observation Edge, Illuminate, which reveals auras around supernaturals to both the Innocent and to other Hunters, with the downside of revealing the Innocent to the supernaturals. This skill set suggests two possibilities of the role of Innocents in the Hunter 'army,' either as spies meant to infiltrate and study the supernaturals and then choose the targets, or else as diplomats meant to make peace and foster trust between Hunters and worthy supernaturals.


The special ability that Innocents have is to create charms. In order to create a charm the Innocent must have a strong connection with the person they are creating the charm for, the item used for the charm must have some meaning for both parties, and the person can't be a hunter or supernatural. The charm gives the bearer certain abilities to protect them from the supernatural.

Standard Edges

  •  Hide - This edge makes supernaturals overlook the Innocent. He is there but he's not worth the time, effort or attention, and sometimes the edge makes the hunter's presence disappear entirely.
  •  Illuminate - Illuminate makes it possible for the Innocent and other hunters to identify supernaturals. But be careful, monsters are able to perceive its use and can even tell which human generates the effect.
  •  Radiate - Once activated, the hunter radiates a white light that impedes supernatural attacks. Humans and hunters in the presence of the aura go unaffected.
  •  Confront - The Innocent must meet a creature's gaze for this power to work, but once activated that supernatural sees the Innocent as an embodiment of all that is pure. This makes it next to impossible for the monster to cause any harm to the hunter.
  •  Blaze - The Innocent makes a source of light into a deadly weapon. The power is instantaneous: by using a nearby light source the Innocent creates a beam of blazing energy that cause pain to his foe. A match is irritating, a powerful flashlight is dangerous and (on a clear day) the sun is destructive. The Innocents like to describe it as “Sharing the true light”.



Alternate Edges

  •  Fool's Luck - In times of great danger for the Innocent, minor events occur to help them escape.
  •  Conceal - An expansion of Hide, Conceal allows the Innocent to hide another person from the sight of monsters. Conceal only works on ordinary people or bystanders, and the Innocent is unable to hide themselves or use Hide to do so.
  •  Ease - By talking to an extremist hunter, an Innocent can temporarily suppress their derangements.
  •  Inspire - The Innocent can spend Conviction on behalf of others. In the case of other hunters, they can spend it on anything the other hunter required Conviction for, while ordinary people and bystanders can be protected from supernatural fear and mind control. It has no effect on supernaturals.
  •  Bond - The Innocent can keep aware of the general condition of another hunter or bystander they've known for at least a month.
  •  Backlash - The Innocent lays hands on another hunter, triggering a spectacular blaze of light. If the other hunter tries engaging in violence against anyone afterwards - save in self-defense - they suffer intense pain.

Tools Of The Trade

Silver Dragon Stars from Gideon

Silver Dragon Stars from Gideon

Back of the Silver Dragon Stars

Back of the Silver Dragon Stars

Swords From Spence

Swords From Spence

Smith & Wesson .45

Smith & Wesson .45

Glock 23 Gen4 From Ty and Jemma

Glock 23 Gen4 From Ty and Jemma

Five SeveN

Five SeveN

Blessed Revolver. Silver bullets rest inside.

Blessed Revolver. Silver bullets rest inside.



Holy Shotgun

Holy Shotgun

Blessed Knuckles

Blessed Knuckles



Silver Bullets .45

Silver Bullets .45

.45 Silvernitrate bullet with uv chip

.45 Silvernitrate bullet with uv chip

Holy Water

Holy Water

Hunting Jacket

Hunting Jacket

Flashbang Bra Holster

Flashbang Bra Holster

Conceal shorts.

Conceal shorts.

Shoulder Holster

Shoulder Holster

Conceal Bag

Conceal Bag

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